
Hamster Cages That Will Keep Your Pet Hamster Happy

Sunday, January 25, 2009 | at 4:34 PM

Hamsters are solitary animals, meaning they should live by themselves in their own little home, but you should try to give your hamster the biggest cage you can afford and have room for in your own house. Usually, a proper sized hamster cage is at least one square foot in size, but like I said, if you can get a bigger one your hamster will really love you for it! You should only keep one hamster per cage, otherwise the hamsters may fight and seriously hurt each other, except for dwarf hamsters who tend to be more sociable, but it is still a good idea to only keep one per cage.

In the wild, hamsters like to run several miles each night, so you should make sure to include a hamster exercise wheel because it will provide hours of fun for your hamster, and it will also keep your hamster fit and in shape. I think the wire wheels are unsafe for hamsters, because the hamsters leg can get caught in the wire while the wheel is turning, causing a broken leg. You will need to provide fresh wood shavings in the bottom of the hamster cage for bedding. A pet hamster will love you even more if you provide some fun toys to play with. Hamsters are notorious escape artists, so you need to make sure whichever hamster cage you decide to buy is secure. Hamsters like to dig tunnels and can maneuver through small spaces to escape.

I think the best hamster cages are the ones with a hard plastic base and wire body, with a hard plastic top. These cages sometimes come with various accessories to make your hamsters life more entertaining, such as various tunnels and lookout towers. Some people prefer to let their pet hamsters live in aquariums, which is also a fine home for a hamster as long as you make sure the aquarium has a lot of air circulation and that it does not get too hot or humid for the hamster. Never keep a hamster in a cardboard or wooden box unattended, because they can simply chew their way out. Of course, you always want to make sure your hamster is kept safely away from other pets that can harm the hamster like cats and dogs. Keep this information about hamster cages in mind, and always keep learning more about your pets and continue to have fun with them.

P. Anderson

What Compose A Hamster Cage

Friday, January 23, 2009 | at 4:33 AM

Hamsters are solitary animals and they need enough space for themselves. At normal conditions, hamsters don't allow another hamster to his room, unless for the dwarfs hamsters. This specie has great tendencies of becoming sociable yet this is still not true for all.

The standard hamster cage is roughly around a square foot or so. But providing a much larger hamster cage would be greatly appreciated by your hammy. Hamsters are used to travelling miles in a single night. A hamster cage may not be able to give him this much space but it would be just okay for your pet. A thick layer of wood pulp shavings should not be absent in his cage flooring, along with other things like toys, tubes and papers. It is also good to create a specific place for him where he may sleep the day away.

Hamsters are nocturnal animals and natural diggers. On their natural habitats, hamsters normally stay in elaborately constructed barrows, some of which may be as long as 30 feet. You may be startled to discover traces of such tunnels in the bedding of the hamster cage. They are apt as well to maneuvering through tunnels, small holes and everything that may become as escape routes so keep watch for such for hamsters are excellent escape artists.

Majority of hamster cages has solid plastic bases and is equipped with metal bars at the upper layer. These cages may have ladders or wire ramps to provide access to upper level of the cage. Most animal experts advise the use of aquariums as hamster cages though. These provide ample visibility for the owner and can be cleaned off easily. But if you are to use an aquarium, make sure that the humidity inside it is tolerable by your hammy. They can't withstand high humidity so you may have to replace the lid with a wire mesh. The most ideal size of the wire mesh is 1 by 1-centimeter. Be sure to clip the wire lid securely and check for possible escape holes. They can easily squeeze through such gaps.

Never place your hamster in wooden cages and cardboard boxes, unless you would want them to escape. They can simply chew their way out from such structures. High-end plastic materials may look pleasing along with featured chambers and tunnels but they are rather difficult to clean. If possible, buy the hamster cage that has lift-off lid or a large door opening. This can make cleaning faster and more comfortable.

The floor of the hamster cage must be covered with sawdust or wood shavings, at least two inches of the material. This is primarily used for flooring but may also end at your pet's mouth as he builds tunnels and rearranges his food stash. When choosing wood bedding, prefer the absorbent ones.

Most experts don't recommend the use of cedars as cage bedding. Cedar oils are too sharp for the respiratory system of the creature. Pine is advisable so long as the palest variety of the wood is used, to avoid strong pine oils. Aspen may be more preferable but for the time being, the hamster community is reconsidering aspen as it may have adverse effects on the creature's health.

The difficulty of maintaining the hamster cages clean is greatly dependent on the type of the cage. However, the basic thing to think of in cleaning a hamster cage is to remove first the animal. Place him in an enclosed space, say a hamster ball. Then continue on to replacing and not removing some of the old materials. A thorough cleaning once in a week may suffice.

Robert Thatcher

Searching For the Perfect Hamster Cage

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 | at 4:32 AM

Hamsters are a common pet for children and they are easy to take care of, but not many people know what type of hamster cage they should be looking for. A good hamster cage does not have to be expensive. Even a big one tend to cost less than thirty-five dollars. Instead of price, what you should be researching is security, ventilation and what comes with the hamster cage.


The most important thing to look for in a hamster cage is how secure it is. Hamsters have a knack for escaping out of their cages when no one is looking. You should make sure you find a hamster cage that is escape proof. Look for flaws in hamster cages like cheap material that a hamster can chew through or wires that are too wide apart. Hamsters can get through even the tiniest of holes. If the cage looks flimsy, then there's a good chance your hamster can break out of it.


Choosing a big hamster cage over a small one is good in that there is more ventilation for your hamster. During hot weather a small cage can suffocate them like dogs in a car without a window cracked open. So find a cage that has open space. High humidity can heighten stress in new hamsters that you bring home and they can get pretty sick quickly, so ventilation is a big deal in a hamster cage.

A Deluxe Cage or No Frills Cage?

Some hamster cages offer everything with it including food, a water bottle, a hamster wheel, bedding and more. But there are also cages that comes with nothing. So when picking a hamster cage, know what you will be getting with it. If your cage has no water bottle, be sure to get one. Bedding is important too, so pick up hamster bedding if the cage does not come with it.

How To Help Your Fat Chihuahua Lose Weight

Monday, January 19, 2009 | at 1:09 PM

Chihuahuas are prone to overeating as a result of overfeeding by their owners. It is not difficult to find a fat Chihuahua, one that is obese and reluctant to walk about somewhere around your neighborhood. Most Chihuahua owners however, are ignorant to the dangers of obesity of their Chihuahuas, preferring to look upon their pooches as being "cute" rather than "unhealthy". The fact is, more often than not obese Chihuahuas are extremely vulnerable to all sorts of illnesses related to poor dietary habits including heart attacks and diabetes. It is important therefore, to learn how to help your fat Chihuahua lose weight.

The first step to determining if your Chihuahua needs to lose weight is to do a physical check on them. Tell-tale signs include not being able to feel your Chihuahua's ribs easily when you run your hands over his sides from the front to the back leg as well as not being able to feel the tail bones of your Chihuahua. If such signs are observed, it is time to bring the weight of your fat Chihuahua down to normal. Consult your local veterinarian to determine the time span of this weight loss program as well as the optimal weight that your Chihuahua should slim down to eventually.

Start by making adjustments to the diet of your Chihuahua. A well-balanced diet should consist of proteins, carbohydrates, vegetables, and should be low on sugar and salt content. There are many diet or weight loss foods in the market that are suitable for dogs. These contain lesser calories as compared to regular dog food, thus the quantity of food that your Chihuahua is eating should not change. However, if you are a dog owner who believe in preparing home-made dog food, care should be taken to reduce the portions of your Chihuahua's regular meals. This reduction should never be more than 20% of the total amount of food previously fed to your Chihuahua in order to prevent starvation. Of course, reducing food content might possibly lead to acts of desperation such as theft on the part of your Chihuahua. In such a situation, it might be optimal to add in fiber to help satiate your Chihuahua's appetite. This could be achieved by means of a table spoon or two of canned pumpkin.

Taking your Chihuahua to the park for regular exercise is of importance to help reduce the weight of your obese Chihuahua. Start off slow, covering short distances each time before subsequently increasing the distance and amount of time spent walking. Gradual progression is the best way to help your Chihuahua lose weight, while at the same time prevents the dangers of over exhaustion. Incorporate the element of fun into your regular exercise routines with your Chihuahua. Rather than just the walk around the park, put in place simple games such as Frisbee or a tennis ball which you can spend quality time playing with your pet. This would not only enable your Chihuahua to lose weight, but also allow you to develop greater pet-owner relationships with your Chihuahua.

Finally, regular visits to the local veterinarian are necessary to evaluate your Chihuahua's diet program. With sufficient exercise and a healthy diet, your obese Chihuahua would soon return its trim self once more.

Clarence Clark

All You Need To Know About Breeding Chihuahuas

Saturday, January 17, 2009 | at 1:11 PM

Made popular by celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe, Paris Hilton and Sandra Bullock, an increasing number of individuals are taking to adopting Chihuahuas as pets. Given the increasing demand for Chihuahuas, it is not difficult to find Chihuahua breeders these days. However, breeding Chihuahuas can by no means be something that can be taken lightly. Irresponsible breeding habits have the potential of producing Chihuahuas with hereditary illnesses that can prove to be extremely bothersome and heart wrenching, especially since adopting a Chihuahua is a long term commitment, considering the long lifespan of the dog. Given such, meticulous care is necessary for a potential owner when breeding Chihuahuas.

Contacting a breeder that practices responsible breeding practices is necessary. It would be a good idea to check with reputable canine organizations such as the American Kennel Club for a list of responsible Chihuahua breeders at the local or national level. Veterinarians, magazines and pet stores are all good sources of respectable Chihuahua breeders. A breeder with a respectable reputation who has good practices is the first step towards ensuring responsible breeding.

Upon selection of the breeder, it is necessary for the potential owner to interview the Chihuahua breeder chosen. This ensures greater understanding of the breeders breeding practices. Such practices include the breeder's policy towards ill Chihuahuas as well as the frequency with which the breeder sends his Chihuahuas fro checkups at the local vet. The potential owner should also make it a point to examine the Chihuahua which would be used for breeding to determine any symptoms of poor health. Such symptoms include lethargy, flake and spots on the Chihuahua's coat. As a precaution, it is also imperative for the potential owner to request a veterinarian certification from the Chihuahua breeder to ensure that the particular Chihuahua in question is completely free from illnesses.

This is important as certain illnesses such as Patellar Luxation and other deformities can be hereditary. Diseases are often acquired through poor standards in the Chihuahua's living environment or can also be a result of insufficient nutrition. Hereditary diseases acquired by Chihuahua puppies often result in early death or may cause the Chihuahua to fall sick very often throughout the period of its life. Chihuahuas tested positive for any illnesses should never be used as part of the breeding process to prevent the spread of these diseases to the Chihuahua puppies.

Subsequently, a clean area should be set aside for breeding. This should be cleaned and disinfected to prevent any possible existence of bacteria and germs. The Chihuahua breeder should have concern over the hygiene and well being of the puppy and not just interested in making a sale.

Stringent criterion and selective breeding is necessary in any case. This is important in order to develop not only Chihuahuas with good external features, but also healthy Chihuahuas free from any genetic defects or hereditary illnesses. With careful selection in place as well as sufficient nutrition, adequate commitment and regular checkups, Chihuahua owners would be able to savor the joys of adopting one of the most popular dogs today.

Clarence Clark

Great Ideas For Hamster Cages

Friday, January 16, 2009 | at 4:26 AM

It is really great to have a hamster as your pet. They are very cute and they like to chew different things but especially cloth. While cats and dogs are allowed to walk freely around your home, you don't let your hamster out of its cage. You do need to have a hamster cage in case you own one of these lovable pets. The cages come in many different shapes and sizes and have a variety of features for your hamster.

The most popular shape for hamster cages is rectangular. Because of this particular shape the hamster cages are usually put in a corner, so that they wouldn't stand in the center of the room and be on your way. When you feel like playing with your pet, you can easily take the hamster out but when you have stopped playing with it and are leaving the room it is good to make sure you have put it in its cage.

You should pay attention to your hamster's security because if it escapes from its cage, it might become a prey for animals. Many neighbours have cats and they can hurt your adorable little pet, so you should protect it from them. Consequently, if there are any cats around you should always lock your hamster in its hamster cage, so that it would be safe.

Just as any other mammal hamsters need a daily supply of water. Most of the hamster cages have a water bottle system. In cages made of wire there is a little ball at the end of the nozzle so that the water doesn't flow free but comes out when the hamster is thirsty.
You can also buy little bows which can be used for feeding. They are put in the hamster cages and the pets can eat from them. There are several types of hamster food.

It is very important to keep your hamster fit as it needs regular exercises. You can help it by purchasing a small wheel that fits inside the hamster cages. This is how you will make sure your lovely pet will get some exercises when it is closed there. There are also such hamster cages which have plastic tubes which go through and around the cage. Their main purpose is to entertain the hamster and let it roam around its home.

Cleaning hamster cages is a very important task and should not be neglected for the well-being of both your little pet and yourself. To make it easy for cleaning, you can put a newspaper on the bottom of the hamster cage and also some wood chips. You just lift the paper and the wood chips out and replace them with new.

When living in a building where having animals is restricted taking a hamster might be just the way to have a pet. It is good for your children to have a pet like hamster as they will easily learn how to take care of a pet while playing and having fun with it.

Is the Teacup Chihuahua the Right Companion For You?

Thursday, January 15, 2009 | at 1:03 PM

Is the teacup Chihuahua the right companion for you? If you are looking to adopt a dog which you can dote on, most probably the answer will be "yes". A Teacup Chihuahua is sweet and friendly in nature and it is simply too adorable for you to resist pampering it. Chihuahuas are also well-known for their gracefulness, agility and alertness. Although Chihuahuas typically appear to be well-mannered and tame, there are some characteristics of Chihuahua that you must look out for, such as their indifferent behaviour towards strangers and their need for contact with other dogs or human beings. Therefore, although the Chihuahua appears to be a good companion for you, you have to know the characteristics of the Chihuahuas well enough before you actually decide to adopt one.

For example, it is essential for your Chihuahua to have an ample intake of fresh air and enough exposure to sunlight. If there is insufficient exposure to sunlight and fresh air, your Chihuahua will appear to be very pale and dull. The best way to ensure sufficient supply of fresh air and exposure of sunlight is to frequently bring your teacup Chihuahua to take a stroll at a nearby park. As mentioned earlier, as your Chihuahua is very friendly toward others, you may need to pay special attention to the behaviour of your Chihuahua. The main reason behind this is that your Chihuahua will tend to be friendly towards other dogs or cats. It will most probably greet any dogs and cats it comes across with a soft bark. However, at times, it might meet some dogs that are not as friendly and sociable as it is. This might cause unexpected hostile reaction from the unfriendly dog. Worst case scenario, a fight might even break out between the 2 dogs.

Therefore, it is your responsibility to make sure that such a thing does not happen. As for cats, most of them will be friendly towards your Chihuahua. However, most cats have long claws and they might scratch your Chihuahua with their claws. Therefore, it is best for your Chihuahua to keep a distance away from stray cats.

Another essential thing is that you will need to ensure that your Chihuahua stays fit and healthy at all times. One important thing you need to know is that Chihuahua need a warm and quiet place in order to fall asleep. Sleep is very important to Teacup Chihuahuas as they are very active in nature and therefore, they need ample rest in order to stay healthy. For the Chihuahua to stay fit, regular exercises and a good diet plan are 2 very important factors that you will need to pay special attention to. Also, regular check ups at the vet are also very vital. It is best to diagnose dog-related diseases at the early stages because it will be more difficult to deal with when the condition of the Chihuahua worsens.

After knowing all these facts, you should more or less know if you have the ability to take care of your Chihuahua. So, is the Teacup Chihuahua the right companion for you? Well, I suppose that only you yourself will know the answer to it.

Clarence Clark

Creating the Ultimate Hamster Cage

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 | at 4:24 PM

The choice of cages available for hamsters today is extremely vast. You have simple metal cages, tanks, novelty cages and expandable cages. You also have the option to build your own cage. So just how do you know which one to choose for your hamster and how can you create the ultimate hamster cage?

Understanding the Different Cages

Before you can make a good decision about the type of cage that you should use for your hamster, you first need to understand the benefits of each one that is available.

Standard wire cages tend to be quite popular because they are inexpensive, they are strong and they are fairly easy to clean. They tend to consist of a plastic removable bottom and the sides and top of the cage are made from metal bars. Another reason why these types of cages are so popular is because the hamster can climb up the bars which gives them a little exercise as well as something to do. You can purchase metal cages with accessories inside them and with tubes that lead out of the cage and then back in again or you can purchase them on their own. The brand to look out for if you are looking for a good quality metal cage is "Ferplast".

Novelty cages and expandable cages are definitely two of the most popular types of hamster cages available today. This is especially true if the hamster belongs to a child. Novelty cages basically involve cages that are shaped in some kind of theme. It could be a space theme for example and everything in the cage would be designed to suit that theme. Expandable cages can also be classed as novelty cages as they are really fun to build. They come with tubes to connect the cage to another one. The most popular range of expandable cages is either "Habitrail" or "Rotastak".

Tanks are not really the best choice for hamsters but you could use them if you wanted to stop them making a mess around the cage.

Generally it is always better to personalise your hamster cage to your individual hamster. Creating your own cage can be extremely fun and your hamster will really appreciate it. Of course you could always build a cage from scratch but that would take a lot of time and effort. So if you want to create the ultimate cage but you want to use existing cages to help you, then stick with the expandable cages. You can choose from hundreds of different compartments and you can join everything together with tubes. No two expandable cages will look the same!

When creating the ultimate cage for your hamster you should include plenty for them to do. All hamsters love wheels and going through tubes so include at least one wheel and plenty of tubes and ladders. Don't clutter the cage too much and give the hamster as much space as possible.

Overall, choosing the perfect hamster cage is easy once you know what to look for. Expandable cages do allow you to create your own personalised cage by connecting various compartments together. So if you are looking to create the ultimate cage then why not take a look at the ever popular expandable and novelty cages available today?

Chihuahua Rescues

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 | at 1:06 PM

If it were a perfect world, all Chihuahuas would be loved and taken care of equally, but unfortunately this is not the case. Many of them end up in Chihuahua rescues for a variety of different reasons. Some may be strays found on the streets, others may have been abused or neglected by their owners, and some of them may have just been dropped off by owners who don't think they could handle the responsibility of owning a Chihuahua. However, with all this hardship comes the chance for a start of a new life.

There are many rescues scattered throughout the nation. Some of them specialize in certain dog breeds, such as the Chihuahua. These Chihuahua rescues have a better knowledge and understanding of this complicated dog breed, allowing them to better treat any problems they may have.

Chihuahua rescues can be a great place to adopt a new pet. You may think these Chihuahuas will all be troublemakers given their background, but once you actually visit a Chihuahua rescue, you will see that most of them are gentle, loving creatures.

If you want to adopt a Chihuahua from a rescue, do an online search for a Chihuahua rescue near your residence. Take a visit there and ask the staff there about the Chihuahuas. They will be more than happy to help match you with a Chihuahua of your choice. Remember to ask important questions, such as how old are they, where they came from, and if they have had their shots.

Believe it or not, many Chihuahua rescues are kept in foster homes. This basically means volunteers allow the Chihuahuas to stay in their home so they can give them better attention and care. Usually Chihuahuas in foster homes are more likely be trained than those who aren't. This is because they are being trained not to potty in the house, and not to destroy things while they are in foster care.

Before taking in your adopted Chihuahua, make sure you have everything they will need. This can be food, blankets, toys, and a crate. When you first bring them into your house, you have them sleep in their crate at nighttime to help prevent any potty accidents from happening.

If this is your first time ever owning a Chihuahua, you need to make sure you have a safe home for him. Take away anything your new Chihuahua could possibly hurt themselves with. Things such as chemicals, pesticides, and other toxins should be stored out of reach from any pets. Remember, Chihuahuas are tiny and poisons will affect them more than larger dogs.

The best part of adopting a Chihuahua rescue is that you are giving them another chance at a better life. Chihuahuas rely on us to keep them healthy and safe, and if you give them love, they will return it to you. I have rescued three Chihuahuas in my life, and I think of them as family now. So, visit your Chihuahua rescue today and you may find a new best friend you thought you would never have.


Is The Chihuahua The Perfect Dog For You?

Sunday, January 11, 2009 | at 1:01 PM

If you want a dog that is loyal, lively, intelligent and you can carry around in your pocket than the Chihuahua might be for you!

This tiny dog that originates from Mexico was actually introduced to the rest of the world by the Chinese. It Can weigh under 2 1/2 pounds and is one of the smallest breed of dogs. Thought to be a sacred dog of pre-Colombian Indians this breed is fiercely loyal and bonds with his owner.

These little dogs can come in almost any color combination and are often seen in a tan and black combination, fawn and brown. One of the more desirable colors is chocolate which is a dark milk chocolate color and they can also be a chestnut color, silver color or a blue as well as multicolored. This dog has a short stout body with a round apple shaped head the dark eyes and the large years that stand erect. One of the interesting aspects of Chihuahua puppies is that their skull plates do meet leaving a hole called a molera. This will eventually closes by the time they become adults but you will need to be careful with your Chihuahua puppy.

The Chihuahua is energetic and loving. Chihuahuas are often seen licking their owners face and while they love to give affection they also love to receive it. Most Chihuahuas will bond with their owner and be wary of strangers and other animals. If you want your Chihuahua to get along good with people and animals you should socialize him from an early age and be sure he's handled by lots of people. Chihuahuas do seem to like other Chihuahuas however, so if you want more than one pet you might consider getting two Chihuahuas! As you might imagine Chihuahuas need to be weary of other moving objects as they are so tiny and can easily be hurt. For this reason Chihuahuas and small children are not a good mix. The Chihuahua, although he may seem feisty, is very delicate and can easily hurt by a small child that doesn't know any better.

Although Chihuahuas are very smart they may be a little difficult to train especially when it comes to housebreaking. Many owners simply paper train them or you could use a dog litter box as they are tiny enough to make this worthwhile. But being as they are intelligent they can learn many tricks and obedience if you take the time to train them with positive reinforcement. Chihuahuas, or any dog for that matter, do not respond well to yelling and hitting and this should never be used as a method of training.

The Chihuahua can be a bit noisy and is also aggressive even for its tiny size. As you can imagine a larger dog may seem very threatening to your tiny Chihuahua but he will stand up to it with great courage. Therefore you should protect your Chihuahua from such threats even if the other dog is friendly.

Although Chihuahuas are tiny and they do make good apartment pets they do need some exercise. Playing with your Chihuahua and taking him for a walk will help him remain fit and in good health. When walking your Chihuahua it's best to use a harness as opposed to a collar said their tiny wind pipes can become crushed with a collar. Just remember, if it is cold out, please dress your Chihuahua in a sweater as these dogs do not take well to the cold.

Chihuahuas are long-lived for small dogs and can live up to 15 years with the proper care. Since their eyes are large care needs to be taken that they don't become damaged and Chihuahuas can also be prone to glaucoma and dryness of the eyes. Due to a short snout the Chihuahua can also be wheezy. You also need to be careful with these tiny dogs that you do not overfeed them and you do not feed them anything that is toxic as a little teeny bit of chocolate or fertilizer or anything toxic can have drastic results. Not to mention that a little bit of overfeeding can result in an overweight and unhealthy dog.

The short coated dogs are easy to groom and care for and shed very little. You should brush your Chihuahua every week or so and give him a bath to keep them smelling great. Make sure to give your dog the appropriate vet care including yearly checkups and immunizations and you will have a loyal and affectionate friend for many years to come.

Lee Dobbins

Things To Consider Before You Adopt A Chihuahua

Friday, January 9, 2009 | at 12:59 PM

Chihuahuas are loving pets. They are small enough for you to cuddle. They are very alert and they make an excellent guard dog. Every dog lovers would love to have a Chihuahua as a house pet. But before you get one for yourself, there are some things to consider before you adopt a Chihuahua.

There are some things that your need to review before adopting a Chihuahua. If you are willing to adopt a Chihuahua, are you mentally prepared to be fully committed to take care of this pet no matter what happens?

When it comes to adopting a Chihuahua, it matters a lot whether the dog that you adopt is an adult or a puppy.

Generally, Chihuahua puppies are easier to take care. Adopting a baby Chihuahua is definitely an advantage, as you will get to raise it up according to your wish. This also helps to ensure that the pup gets proper treatment and it will eventually grow up to a healthy and happy adult Chihuahua. By getting the chance to train the Chihuahua personally, you will get to forge a stronger bond with your pup. As such, both of you will be best friends in no time.

A Chihuahua puppy is able to adjust to new surrounding better than adult Chihuahuas. However, you must be prepared of some damage that it might cause in the house. This calls for house training. Again, this will take quite some time but if you train your Chihuahua well, she can be very obedient.

Adult Chihuahuas do not require much attention. This is because they already have certain behaviors established. But adult Chihuahuas can be temperamental, so keep a look out for that.

The thing about adult Chihuahua is that it is difficult to re-train the dog again. The dog is too accustomed with its own habit such that it resists any changes. As such, you will have to put up with any disturbing habits from your Chihuahua.

Overall, Chihuahuas are very fragile creatures. They can be severely injured with just a fall. As Chihuahuas can be pretty adventurous both in and out of the house, they love to climb on high surfaces. As aforementioned, these pets are very fragile. Thus, if you are thinking of adopting a Chihuahua, check to see if your house is well protected. As these dogs are tiny, we tend to step on them and such. They might go missing at times and it pretty hard to keep a look out for them especially if you have a big house.

So, if you are not prepared to play hide and seek, it is best that you adopt a dog that is slightly bigger than the Chihuahua.

Chihuahuas are definitely adorable, but because of its small size, they are more prone to diseases. Some of the healthy problems would include respiratory problems and dehydration. Because of this, you got to spend quite a large sum of money for regular check ups.

These fragile Chihuahuas have weak ligaments that cause the kneecap to float in and out of place. So, if you plan to make your Chihuahua be your jogging partner, think again.

The Chihuahua is such a delicate creature such that it is almost impossible for it to live by itself, unlike other dogs.

A Chihuahua would require your 100% attention all the time. And if you fail to do so, it might get pretty upset and jealous. It is best that you get a friendly and east going dog for adoption, if you think that you are not up to the challenge.

Clarence Clark

The Chihuahua Becomes Popular!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009 | at 12:55 PM

When Xavier Cugat, the rumba king, appeared with his Chihuahuas in movies and on television in the late 1930s and 1940s the Chihuahua breed received great exposure and became quite popular.

Because of the Chihuahua's exposure in movies and television, the Chihuahua began one of the most meteoric rises in numbers of any breed in American Kennel Club history. The Chihuahua reached its peak in 1964 and became the third most popular breed in the United States. About a century after its discovery, the Chihuahua became one of the most recognizable breeds. The AKC now registered an average of 40,000 Chihuahuas each year. Both long and short haired Chihuahuas are popular as lap dogs around the world.

For many people Chihuahua is the only dog for them. However, Chihuahuas are not for everyone. Chihuahuas can be quite challenging.

Size of the Chihuahua

For many people the size of a dog is most important. The Chihuahua's small size makes it convenient for matters such as space, food bills, grooming and exercise. However, small dogs don't make effective protection dogs, they run underfoot and people can easily trip over them. They can be easily injured by falling objects, larger dogs, and wild children. They are more susceptible to cold weather, missed meals and certain health problems. They are, however, extra cute dressed in t-shirts, coats, dresses, shirts and just about any kind of clothing on the dog market today.

Chihuahuas are not a good choice for homes filled with children or heavy-footed adults. Chihuahuas cannot live outdoors. They cannot withstand cold weather and need a lot of companionship with humans. Even long coated Chihuahuas cannot cope with cold weather.

Temperament of the Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are intelligent, willing to please and make trustworthy companions. They are one-family or one-person dogs. They can become devoted to the point of becoming "clingy." They are definitely lap dogs. The Chihuahua can be bold and quick witted. Watch out for intruder's ankles who trespass with the Chihuahua's approval. Expose your Chihuahua to visitors at an early age so they will learn to accept them graciously. Chihuahuas are usually "barkers." They usually bond well with other Chihuahua housemates. They are among the most devoted of all dogs. They bond deeply with their family forming a lifelong commitment to their people. It can be particularly devastating to a Chihuahua to be uprooted from loved ones. Do not get a Chihuahua unless you plan on keeping him for a lifetime.

Connie Limon

Tips On How To Give Your Chihuahua Pups The Proper Care

Monday, January 5, 2009 | at 12:54 PM

Small in stature, Chihuahuas are relatively fragile dogs. It is thus, important for owners of Chihuahuas to be equipped with proper knowledge and tips for caring for their Chihuahua pups. Care for Chihuahua pups covers many aspects and includes socialization, safety, nutrition and health. Responsible Chihuahua owners make a checklist on these aspects in order to ensure the overall well being of their Chihuahua pups.

As lively animals, Chihuahuas tend to come into constant contact with their owners, family members as well as other pets that its owner might have. It is necessary for Chihuahua owners to start socialization with their Chihuahua pups before they turn full grown. This is to ensure less aggressive behavior in the future when the Chihuahua pup turns into a full grown Chihuahua. Chihuahua owners should spend time familiarizing their Chihuahua pups to the surroundings and their living environments by letting the pup roam freely around the house and facilitating interaction with the family as well as other pets in the house. This would allow the Chihuahua puppy to adapt easily into its new living environment, preventing aggressive behavior in future.

Safety issues are a necessary area for Chihuahua owners to look into. Appliances around the home such as electrical outlets, cables and vases can present potential dangers to Chihuahua pups. Electrical outlets should be switched off and covered with plastic guards when not in use to prevent Chihuahua puppies from licking these dangerous areas. Cables should be shortened if possible, and kept when not in use to prevent the Chihuahua puppy from tripping over them. This is to prevent objects such as radios from crashing onto the puppy should it trip over such wires. In general, unstable objects should not be placed around the house to prevent death and injuries.

Chihuahua puppies should be given adequate nutrition with two meals a day. Dried dog food is preferable as it prefers tartar and plaque from accumulating in the young puppy's teeth. Plenty of water should be given to ensure sufficient hydration and unfinished food should be disposed off after each meal to prefer the growth of bacteria and germs which might potentially cause illness to the Chihuahua pup. Sufficient nutrition is necessary in order to prevent illnesses and ensure healthy gum, skin and coat. Never ever feed your Chihuahua puppy with chocolate. Chocolates are harmful to Chihuahuas in any amount and may prove fatal if given in large amounts. Symptoms of chocolate poisoning include diarrhea, vomiting and excessive thirst. Do not hesitate to bring your Chihuahua puppy to the vet if such symptoms are observed.

Chihuahua owners who have a personal preference to feed their Chihuahua puppies with home cooked food should keep in mind that all food has to be cooked and should consist of a meat protein, carbohydrates and a vegetable. All food should be fully cooked and cooled before feeding. Popular meat choices include beef, lamb, chicken and pork while vegetables include carrot and peas. Grain choices vary according to culture. Popular choices include potatoes or rice.

Chihuahua puppies should be taken to regular visits to the vet. This is to ensure that the puppies are in good health, receiving adequate nutrition as well as for vaccination against illnesses such as Parvo. Relatively inexperienced Chihuahua owners should also get advice from the vet with regards to their Chihuahua pups well being. Regular walks are also necessary to ensure healthy development of the puppy's limbs as well as to prevent obesity.

Raising a Chihuahua requires effort and commitment. While not an easy task, the process of doing so would definitely result in wonderful memories in time to come.

Clarence Clark

How To Take Care Of Short Haired Chihuahua

Saturday, January 3, 2009 | at 12:52 PM

The Short-Haired Chihuahua is one of the two official breeds of Chihuahuas recognized by the American Kennel Club. Compared to its Long-haired cousin, this breed of Chihuahua has a shorter coat of hair and is more popular in countries with warmer climates. Caring for the Short-haired Chihuahua is extremely important for Chihuahua owners as these dogs are relatively fragile and vulnerable to illnesses given their small size as compared to other dogs.

Nutrition is an important consideration when taking care of a Short-haired Chihuahua. Chihuahuas need regular meals of high quality food in order to obtain the necessary nutrients required for a healthy life. Ideally food should consist of proteins, carbohydrates and a vegetable. Generally, dried food is recommended to prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar. The Short-haired Chihuahua should be fed two meals daily. Care should be taken by owners to regulate the feeding portions for their Short-haired Chihuahua as Chihuahuas are prone to overeat, resulting in obesity. Food should be in small bite-sized proportions in order for ease of chewing and digestion as Chihuahuas have very small teeth. Also, food should be fresh and any unconsumed food after each meal should be discarded to prevent the growth of bacteria and germs. Plenty of drinking water should be provided for hydration purposes. This is especially important in places with warmer temperature.

The Short-haired Chihuahua should be groomed on a regular basis. Tangles are less likely with its smooth short-haired coat. As such, occasional grooming with a soft bristle brush would be necessary. In countries with warmer temperatures, frequent bathing would be preferable to prevent fleas and other skin-related illnesses. Otherwise, a bathe a month would be sufficient. However, Chihuahua owners would have to be careful to prevent water from entering the ears of their Short-haired Chihuahua to prevent infection.

Exercise is necessary to prevent obesity for the Short-haired Chihuahua. While Chihuahuas are often dubbed as pocket dogs, exercise is necessary to prevent Chihuahua obesity. Frequent short walks are necessary to prevent such a situation and to facilitate greater interaction and better relations between the Short-haired Chihuahua and its owner. However, moderation has to be exercised in terms of the distance covered and duration as Chihuahuas generally have a shorter stamina as compared to other breeds of dogs.

Given its thin short coat, it is necessary to provide the Short-haired Chihuahua with sufficient warm clothing especially in cooler countries. Generally, Chihuahuas do not adapt well to cold weather given their small size. In choosing clothing, it is important to understand that the Short-haired Chihuahua may have allergies to outfits made of certain fabrics. As such, it is important for Chihuahua owners to let their Short-haired Chihuahuas try out a particular new outfit for a short period of time. Should there be observations of rash, itch or discomfort, the outfit in question may not be suitable for the Chihuahua's use.

Timely checkups are also a necessity to determine the overall health state of the Chihuahua. Veterinarians would be able to dispense professional advice to Chihuahua owners on issues such as nutrition.

Most importantly, Chihuahua owners must be prepared for a long term commitment as far as Chihuahuas have an average lifespan of about 11 to 18 years. With sufficient care and commitment, Chihuahua owners would be able to look forward to a fulfilling experience with their pets.

Clarence Clark

Giving The Necessary Care For Your Pregnant Chihuahua

Thursday, January 1, 2009 | at 12:50 PM

Chihuahuas make popular pets especially amongst city dwellers that live in apartments with very limited spaces. While most people would purchase their first Chihuahua from the local pet shop, most would choose breeding as a choice for their subsequent Chihuahuas. Successful breeding is only the first step in this process and it is necessary for both experienced and inexperienced Chihuahua breeders to be equipped with knowledge to giving the necessary care for their pregnant Chihuahua. Care both during pregnancy and after pregnancy is vital to ensure the birth of healthy Chihuahuas free from illnesses and genetic defects.

The first step to care during pregnancy would be adequate nutrition. As with humans, pregnant Chihuahuas require a greater intake of nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates and vegetables to provide for their unborn little ones during pregnancy. It is important to consult your local veterinarian on your pregnant Chihuahua's nutritional needs. In any case, good quality food is a must and Chihuahua owners should increase the quantity of food for their pregnant Chihuahua during feeding time. Insufficient nutrition can often lead to complications such as a malnourished puppy. Plenty of water should also be provided to enable sufficient hydration for the pregnant Chihuahua.

Frequent checkups at the local veterinarian are also a must for the pregnant Chihuahua during this period. Advice from the vet is necessary especially if the Chihuahua owner is relatively inexperienced in the breeding process. Vets would be able to provided answers to questions such as nutrition, and provide advice on how to care for the Chihuahua during pregnancy. Checkups would also ensure swift detection of any possible illnesses that may occur during pregnancy. If left untreated, illnesses can prove to be potentially dangerous for both the pregnant Chihuahua and the unborn puppy. While it may cost more financially, frequent checkups are insurance for healthy Chihuahua puppies.

It is important for inexperienced breeders to have a vet at present when their pregnant Chihuahua is giving birth. Complications are known to occur during delivery and professional service is required to remedy any possible complications at time of delivery. Severe complications are known to cause death for both the pregnant Chihuahua and her puppies and as such, it would always be handy to have a vet at hand if you are not an experienced breeder. A clean, quiet and disinfected place is also necessary for your pregnant Chihuahua to give birth, to lower the risks of infection to both the pregnant Chihuahua and her new born puppy.

Equally important is after pregnancy care. Sufficient nutrition and regular meals is necessary for both the mother and her puppies after the first few weeks of birth. Regular checkups at the vet are necessary to ensure the health of both the mother Chihuahua and her puppies. It is necessary to vaccinate the Chihuahua puppies early against common diseases such as Parvo, which is known to occur amongst Chihuahuas.

Allowing your pregnant Chihuahua to rest as much as possible in a clean, quiet room is important for the first nine weeks post pregnancy. This is to allow the Chihuahua mother to have undivided attention to care for her puppies in the immediate post-birth period.

Dedicated care, sufficient nutrition and regular checkups are the key to caring for your Chihuahua during pregnancy. With these in place, Chihuahua owners can look forward to a growing Chihuahua family.

Clarence Clark