
The Different Kinds Of Chihuahua Breeds

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 | at 12:47 PM

The smallest dog breed in the world, the Chihuahua was discovered in Mexico in 1850, and subsequently introduced to America. The popularization of the Chihuahua as a pet was a result of media coverage given to celebrities who adopt Chihuahuas as pets such as Marilyn Monroe and Paris Hilton. There are two official Chihuahua breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club today. These are the Long-haired Chihuahua and the Short-haired Chihuahua. Unofficially, other different breeds of Chihuahuas exist. These include the Teacup Chihuahua, Mini Chihuahua and Toy Chihuahua amongst others. The origins of these unofficial names were a result of Chihuahua breeders who dub their dogs accordingly based on their full grown size.

The Long-haired Chihuahua is characterized by their smooth undercoat and long overcoat. The texture of its coat is long, thin and smooth to touch. The Long-haired Chihuahua has large eyes and erect ears, similar to that of a Pomeranian. In fact, it is not difficult for most people to mistaken a Long-haired Chihuahua for a Pomeranian given such similar characteristics. Surprisingly, this Chihuahua breed sheds little hair as compared to its Short-haired cousin. As a result, it is relatively popular with people who suffer from allergies. However, its long overcoat of hair can take a relatively long time to reach its full grown length, in most cases as long as a few years. It is important for owners of this breed of Chihuahua to frequently brush the hair of their Long-haired Chihuahua to prevent tangles that may occur to the hair of the Long-haired Chihuahua. It is also important for owners of the Long-haired Chihuahua to bath their pets on a regular monthly basis to prevent fleas and to maintain hygiene standards of their Long-haired Chihuahua.

Comparatively, the Short-haired Chihuahua as its name suggests has a shorter coat of hair as compared to its Long-haired cousin. However, it tends to shed more hair as compared to the Long-haired Chihuahua. Texture of the overcoat of this breed of Chihuahua is also different as compared to the Long-haired Chihuahua. Given its shorter coat of hair, the Short-haired Chihuahua is popular amongst people living in relatively warm countries.

Unofficial breeds of Chihuahuas such as the Teacup Chihuahua, Mini Chihuahua and Toy Chihuahua. These breeds of Chihuahuas are comparatively smaller as compared to regular Chihuahuas. Amongst these unofficial breeds, the Teacup Chihuahua is the most popular as a result of extensive media coverage of Paris Hilton's Teacup Chihuahua, Tinkerbell Hilton. Spotted everywhere with Paris Hilton, Tinkerbell's small size allows it to fit snugly into the socialite's handbag. The small sized of these dogs make them popular with apartment dwellers as they do not require big open spaces as compared to other dogs. They are also relatively easy to train, sparing the owner the need to send them to dog schools for training. However, their small size results in greater fragility. These adorable dogs are extremely prone to health problems such as dehydration and respiratory problems. Their small size also means that they are unable to provide sufficient warmth for themselves, especially in colder countries.

In any case, Chihuahuas are relatively fragile pets and special attention must be accorded to taking care of them. Chihuahua adoption is also a long-term commitment as the average lifespan of these dogs is between 11 - 18 years. Given such, its is important for potential owners to consider carefully their ability to commit to their pets before adopting one.

Clarence Clark

Chihuahua And Choosing The Right One for you

Tuesday, December 30, 2008 | at 12:43 PM

Everyone is surely going to get excited when trying to select a Chihuahua. Truly a man's best friend, you can rely on your Chihuahua in giving you company, cuddling up together and some can even guard your house. You need to review your personal lifestyle and needs when adopting a Chihuahua. It is a major decision whether or not you would choose to have a puppy or an adult as a pet. Before deciding on which Chihuahua to adopt, here is some useful information that might help you decide.

About Chihuahua Puppies

  • Bringing up a Chihuahua puppy is an advantage because this means that you would guide its growth and well being. You would have the chance to raise it up according to what you want. This means you can ensure that it is properly nurtured with the right dog food, ensure that necessary dog shots are given and prevent heartworm at this early stage. Having your Chihuahua puppy personally trained is also a plus since you can teach him exactly what you want.

  • You should adopt a Chihuahua puppy when it is at least 10 weeks old. Chihuahua puppies need a lot of time to be cared for by their mothers. This is a crucial stage for them. They somehow gain a psychological advantage for both Chihuahua puppy and for the mother Chihuahua as well.

  • A Chihuahua puppy can easily adjust to new surroundings as compared to an adult Chihuahua. Although most Chihuahua puppies may cause minimal to major damage to your personal stuff while they are in the stage of teething. They need to be housebroken and house training needs a lot of time, effort and patience from the owner.

  • There is no assurance of what a Chihuahua puppy would look like when it gets old. Also, his temperament might change when he grows up.

  • Most pet owners love how Chihuahua puppies can be entertaining. They are very cute and adorable pets that is a hit for both children and grown ups. Chihuahua puppies can be easily regarded as one of the family.

About an adult Chihuahua

  • You would have less of a fuss taking care of an adult Chihuahua. They already have this established behavior that you can easily adopt too. By being with the adult Chihuahua more often, you would have more or less an idea of what its temperament is.

  • You need to get as much information that you can when adopting an adult Chihuahua. Take note of its habits and mood swings. You can acquire information from the previous owners of the Chihuahua. Some adult Chihuahuas may have some behavior issues. It is important to take note of them.

  • It may take some time and effort for an adult Chihuahua to be completely comfortable with a new owner.
  • Take note that you need to introduce an adult Chihuahua to your children and other household members. This would help the Chihuahua be familiar with them and helps them refrain from biting or barking thinking that they maybe strangers.

  • Adult Chihuahuas may not need your full attention unlike Chihuahua puppies need and would require lesser trips to the veterinary.

  • For a fully grown Chihuahua, physique and behavior is basically not a variable anymore. What you see is basically what you get.

  • Most adult Chihuahuas are housebroken already so they would cause lesser damage to your belongings and don't wake up at night like most puppies do. Usually, they have grown out of the impulse of chewing things.

  • An older Chihuahua can easily adapt to other pets, like other dogs or cats, if you have a group of them at your household.

Selecting a Chihuahua is not an easy task. Everyone loves sweet looking Chihuahua puppies, but not everyone can stand up to the tiresome house training. Though most would appreciate the bonding shared with them.

Adult Chihuahuas need no great amount of guidance but can still turn out to be a lovable pet. Whichever you think is the right pet for you, just keep in mind that taking care of them requires a lot of time and effort. In return, they would always keep you company and has ready smile with an excited wag of tail waiting for you everyday.

John Williams

A Quick Guide To Buying Teacup Chihuahuas

Monday, December 29, 2008 | at 12:39 PM

Teacup Chihuahuas are not an official breed of the immensely popular Chihuahua breed of dogs. In fact, major dog-related associations such as the American Kennel Club do not list "Teacup" as an official breed of the Chihuahua family. Rather, the term is derived from sellers who dub this particular species of Chihuahua "Teacups" given their comparatively smaller size with regular Chihuahuas. In any case, the Teacup Chihuahua has enjoyed increasing popularity of late in part due to the extensive media coverage of Tinkerbell, Paris Hilton's Teacup Chihuahua. This has resulted in increasing adoption of these tiny dogs as pets.

Choosing a Teacup Chihuahua puppy for adoption is of primary importance for the potential Teacup Chihuahua owner. While Teacup Chihuahuas are extremely lively and can make great pets, the small size of these dogs underlines their comparative fragility to other dogs as well as the need for special attention by its owner. Choosing the wrong puppy would often mean even greater commitment and effort required to ensure the well being of the Teacup Chihuahua. Adopting a Teacup Chihuahua without evaluating one's own lifestyle and ability to commit to taking care of the dog would spell misery for the animal. A quick guide to choosing a suitable Teacup Chihuahua would list the following key points to be noted for:

1. Evaluate your own schedule and ability to commit towards taking care of the Teacup Chihuahua. Chihuahuas are sociable animals and require their owners to socialize with them on a regular basis. Lacking the time for socialization, bonding and training with the Teacup Chihuahua puppy might mean an indifferent and ill-disciplined grown-up in the future.

2. If you have children, make sure they are of a certain age before getting a Teacup Chihuahua. Chihuahuas are temperamental dogs and can get aggressive when provoked. Also, given the Teacup Chihuahua's small size, accidents are more likely to happen when children are involved, leading to injuries for the Teacup Chihuahua.

3. Set your time frame for commitment. Chihuahuas have relatively long life spans. On average, Chihuahuas enjoy a life span between 11 and 18 years. Do not get one if you are not prepared to make such a commitment.

4. Chihuahuas do not get along well with other dogs. If you own another dog, it would be advisable not to get a Chihuahua.

5. Chihuahuas do not adapt easily to new environments. If you travel around frequently, getting a Teacup Chihuahua is generally not advisable.

6. Place priority on "health" over "smallness" when choosing a Teacup Chihuahua puppy. Make sure the puppy has straight, clean teeth with a normal bite. Do not choose Teacup Chihuahua puppies with teeth or gum deformities. Also make sure that the puppy's fur is clean without fleas, spots or flakes.

7. Teacup Chihuahua puppies are generally active and jumpy. Do not choose a Chihuahua which shows signs of lethargy. Puppies displaying lethargy could be suffering from hydrocephalus.

8. It is important to get your Teacup Chihuahua puppy neutered regardless of whether a male or female puppy is chosen. This is to prevent unwanted agitation during mating season.

With the following quick advice and a healthy amount of commitment, an enjoyable pet-owner experience is guaranteed!

Clarence Clark

Different Types of Chihuahuas and Their Details

Sunday, December 28, 2008 | at 12:36 PM

Applehead, Appleheaded, Appledome, Apple-dome, Apple Chihuahuas: The term applehead Chihuahua refers to the shape of a baby Chihuahua's head. The dome of the skull is broader than the jaw, giving rise to the description "applehead". It takes into account that the top of the head has a slight depression. This depression is called a molera (Spanish for fontanel) and corresponds to the "soft spot" on a baby's head. Some Chis have it--some don't.

This is a "normal" Chihuahua. Applehead or Appledome refer to the 90 degree rise off the nose (muzzle) of the forehead. A Chihuahua will often have protruded eyes. These are features of a "standard" Chihuahua. A Chihuahua with a sloping forehead will often have eyes that are more recessed. Some people prefer this "look", but technically it is not a preferred genetic trait because it does not adhere to the standard as established by the AKC. As with all purebred dogs, a Chihuahua "quality" is measured against a standard... This "quality" refers to the quality of the genes, not the physical health on the Chihuahua. Oftentimes these unique characteristics make some Chihuahuas more or less expensive.

Deer head , Deer Chihuahuas: A deer chihuahua has a sloped forehead... not an "apple-dome", a 90 degree angle off the bridge of the nose... a deer chihuahua may also have deer-like slender, delicate paws... making them look like little deer. I've only seen it in smoothcoats, but I suppose there's no reason it couldn't occur in longcoats. Some folks prefer this look, although it does not represent the "Chihuahua Standard".

Teacup Chihuahuas: NOBODY HAS TEACUPS!!! They is no such thing! "Teacup" is a marketing term... it is a cute name used to sway your dollars... that's it. Small sized Chihuahuas are actually called teacup Chihuahuas - but there is no such breed in reality.Many backyard breeders specifically breed these small sized Chihuahuas and name them as Teacup Chihuahuas - and sell them at premium prices. But it has been seen, because of their tiny size, these small sized Chihuahuas are even more fragile and suffer from various genetic problems.

Tricolor Chihuahuas: They are so called because of 3 colors present in their coat.

Long Coat Chihuahuas: As the name suggests, they have a long coat. Some people believe that these long-coated Chihuahuas are a bit more reserved than the smooth coat ones. They are also called Long Hair Chihuahuas.

Smooth Coat Chihuahuas: They have short hairs. They are also called Short Hair Chihuahuas.

Nancy Richards

Pet Passport and PETS

Saturday, December 27, 2008 | at 10:36 AM

Pets require a passport when they travel from one country to another. The passport has official information about the animal in picture. Pet Travel Scheme or PETS, is a scheme which allows the easy obtainment of the pet passport with out going through quarantine. The animal can easily travel between member countries. Even the issue of passport is expedited through this scheme. They issue passport for even transport of pets. Some of the member countries are countries of the European Union along with the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has been famous for rabies control in the past and that is the reason why they require six month quarantine period for imported animals. PETS’ scheme was introduced on October 1st, 2001. The scheme has also been rolled out in countries like the United States, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada. Pets traveling to countries other than the member countries require a valid passport and rabies vaccination.

The pet passport has multiple forms which are in a small blur booklet or on pink A4 sheet. The passport contains the tattoo number of the animal or a microchip. A certification too is included, which has information about the rabies vaccination, which is signed by a veterinary surgeon that is officially approved. People usually confuse the passport with a purple colored small folder which is a folder that has records of the pet’s complete vaccination history.

Some countries accept this passport alone and others ask for supporting documentations relating to the procedure that needs to be followed. All the documents are checked at the time of boarding and upon arrival, too. The pet can only be taken as cargo or excess baggage and not as a checked baggage.

There are different requirements for different countries. The rules also differ for import and export of the pets. But there are certain specifications which are common. The pet should have a microchip implant beneath the skin. The chip should be according to the ISOP specification. Also, there should be a rabies vaccination certification. And there should be a proof that the vaccination is working, this can be done by taking a blood serology test, which shows that the pet is presently rabies free.

Some countries demand that the pet should be treated for fleas, tapeworms, and ticks. It should be done within forty eight hours. The government certifications are documents which have information about the export of the animal. A letter should also be taken from the vet from whom they confirm the pet’s fitness for travelling. Each individual carrier also has their set of regulations about the export and import of the animal.

Before travelling, the owner should thoroughly research the regulations of the arrival and departure points. The destination’s government website should be checked out because some countries ask for separate certificates for proof, to see whether the pet meets their requirements or not. The county’s consulate should also be contacted for details about the formal procedures. The travel crate should also be approved prior to the travel. The crate should have the appropriate food and water containers.

The owner can apply for the pet’s passport soon after it gets the vaccination certificate. If the rabies vaccination is out of date, the new vaccination must be given, but this will delay the passport procedure. In some cases, booster vaccination can also be given. While travelling, the pet shouldn’t be sedated, because heights can have an adverse affect on medication. Even most of the carriers do not allow sedated animals. The charges of every carrier vary on the type and size of the animal. Also, animals might not be taken by a particular route because of adverse temperatures as that can risk the health of the animal. The authorized travel route must be taken, in this case.

If the required documents are missing the pet will be refused entry o the owner will be asked to put the pet for at least six months in quarantine.

How Dogs Communicate?

Friday, December 26, 2008 | at 10:33 AM

Dogs are one of the intelligent animals among the domestic pets. They have the ability to communicate with humans, other dogs and even other animals. They do this by using body signs and different vocals. The signs are made with the help of body movement involving eyes, ears, eyebrows, head, mouth and tail. Different vocals include barks, howls, growls, whimpers and whines. Dogs do gestures whose meaning can change depending on the situation. Like if a dog pants, it can mean that the dog is feeling hot or the dog is happy or anxious.

Confident and higher ranked dogs have a high held tail. Dogs have the feeling of submission and dominance in them. This is because the dogs live in packs, in the wild. They have hierarchy within the group. The weaker dogs submit themselves to the stronger dog. That is the reason why dogs lower their tail when they feel insecure. When the dogs fight for dominance, the fur on their tail stands up. They and even other animals, do this to increase their size in front of their enemy.

When the dog is in a confused situation, it wags its tail slowly. They are in a process of figuring out whether they should accept the situation or time or else, they have still not accepted the situation completely, but are in the process. Excited dogs wag their tails very fast. If the hip moves along with the tail, it means the dog is ready for submission to a dog of higher rank.

When the dogs get aggressive they show their fangs. If the teeth are visible, it indicates that the dog is ready to bite or attack. They also show teeth when they smile and this is an indication of submissiveness. Observing the number of teeth on display can differentiate a smile. Smile reveals only the front teeth, but when the dog snarls, all his teeth and gums can be seen. Ears are good indication about the attention levels of the dog. When the ears are erect and forward facing, means the dog is concentrating. But when the dog fears something, it lays down its ears. Some dogs hold the ears in forward and horizontal direction when they are happy.

In majority of the cases, barking is done to scare away stranger and to make the owner aware of an intruder. They also tend to bark while they are playing. They use to even convey emotions such as pleasure, fear, stress and suspicion. When the dog is excited or is playing, the barks are sharp and short. When they are stressed out or anxious, they bark repeatedly in a high pitch tone. They also bark to communicate with other animals such as cat, deer, squirrel, fox and other dogs. But the sound of barking is different.

Growling is done to threaten or to show superiority. Dogs howl when they make long-range communication. A dog yawns when it is bored and needs to be left alone. It also yawns when it is sleepy, stressed out or confused. When the dog pants with a full open mouth, it is happy. When it pants with a slightly open mouth, it needs to be played with. Dogs lift one forelimb up, when it wants to play. It will stamp its front limbs when it is excited. They scratch objects they want. Domestic dogs are trained for handshake, like human beings. They hold out a paw forward and exchange a handshake. If the dog tilts it's head in a particular direction, it means that it is trying to concentrate and recognize an unfamiliar sound.

Intestinal Blockages in Pets caused by Foreign Objects

Thursday, December 25, 2008 | at 10:17 AM

Playful pets tend to eat a lot of things which they find it difficult to digest. Sometimes these foreign objects can block their intestines and if immediate action isn’t taken it can even lead to death of the animal. Usually in serious cases, the foreign object needs to be taken out surgically.

Animals such as dogs, cats, mouse, have the habit of chewing loose chords, especially that of the computer. Other things which get chewed are plants, wool strands, plastic bags, shoes, toys, purse straps, vinyl objects, leather objects, baskets, furniture, and bed frames. Though prevention can be taken and the house can be made pet proof, but still there are chances of such accidents. Some animals either pass these objects through stool or vomit it out. Such incidents can happen anytime and the animal cannot be lucky every time. The objects can still remain in the body even after pooping and vomiting.

Vinyl and leather materials get stuck to the walls of the intestines. This condition is hard to be determined immediately as the animal doesn’t stop breathing or starts feeling dizzy. But by close observation if it is noted that the animal isn’t eating properly as it used to before, doesn’t excretes and lies dull on the bed whole day long, means something fishy is going on. Since the animal isn’t in serious condition, the owners need not panic. An x-ray and a blood test can explain the situation and the veterinarian can get a clear idea of what to do. If the blood test comes out normal, it indicates that the animal still has time on hand and the foreign object can be removed with the help of some laxative. And if there is an indication of an infection in the blood, a sonogram or a barium x-ray can be done. The very last resort is surgery, and this should be done only when the animal refuses to eat anything. In situation vomiting should be induced as this could aggravate the condition. If the animal vomits by himself, it is good.

Heavy duty materials block the intestine completely. Other than blocking or sticking to the walls of the intestines, some plants can also be toxic to the animal. The owners can restrain from planting such plants in their yard or home garden. Instead, most of the pets like to play in grass, so grass, especially oat grass can be grown for the animal to enjoy. Plastic bags also pose a big threat to the animal. But the rustling noise can make the plastic more attractive and enjoyable for the pet. Objects made out of plastic such as purses, wraps, and purses should be kept out of reach. Another precaution that can be taken is that the objects which the animals enjoy chewing can be made unattractive by spraying with bitter apple spray. They can be even cleaned with a disinfectant with a strong odor but be careful the type of disinfectant you use as they can be poisonous too to our pet.

Most of the pet owners do not buy leather product such as shoes and purses any more as they are expensive and get easily ruined by pet’s chewing them. Shoes can be stored in high shoe racks, drawers, chest or even better, in walk –in closets, along with the purses. Some pets do not watch where they are going. There are chances that they walk straight into the objects. If objects made out of glass fall from a height, it will immediately break into pieces. This is the most dangerous, because if consumed can lead to on the spot death. The broken glass pieces can wound the organs internally, which can lead to sever bleeding.

Even if the animal undergoes the surgery, it would still take him a lot of time to recover from it. Along with the expensive surgical procedure, comes pain. Various pet owners deal with the situation in their own way and no one way is recommended as the official one. But the best way is to immediately rush the pet to a veterinarian who has a good experience treating animals similar to your pet.

Insurance for Pets

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 | at 10:22 AM

Insurance is taken for pets to cut down on the veterinary costs, especially in case of an accident or when the pet is ill. Other than this, insurance is also available to pay incase the animal is stolen, lost or dead. Insurance is a must, especially in a situation where the condition is serious and the money is less. Such unexpected conditions are known as economic euthanasia. Veterinary expenditure is extremely huge and the bill is really big which might not be easy to pay.

Since pets are being adopted on a large scale and the cost of veterinary medicine are increasing by the day, more and more pet owners are now opting for pet insurance. There are insurances with different policies and schemes. Some of them pay the complete amount, while the others pay a partial amount. In the United Kingdom, majority of the pet insurance pay the complete amount and in United States, pet insurances pay only eighty percent of the fees. In case of an injury or illness, apart from taking care of vet fees, other expenses such as prescription medicines, surgery, and lab tests are also dealt with.

Usually, the pet owners pay the vets their fees and then send a claim form to the insurance company, who then sends back the reimbursed amount. But if the bill is very big, some vets also give the leniency of paying the fees after the money has been claimed from the insurance company. Some insurance companies have policies wherein the vet is paid directly, if it is according to the vet agreement. Such types of pet insurance are known as Direct Line Pet Insurance.

Most of the pet insurances do not pay for preventative veterinary care and elective veterinary care, for example vaccination, neutering and declawing. They pay for unseen costs and these costs are already known in advance. But now some insurance policies are reimbursing for routine care treatments such as annual teeth cleaning. Insurance cannot be also bought for an already existing medical condition. If the pet is already sick, the insurance policy will certainly not cover it. So the best time to buy a pet insurance for the animal is when it is young and free of any kind of illness.

Other than health issues, pet insurances exists which give money for boarding cost. In case, if the animal is lost, the insurance company pays for finding the animal as well as it pays for the reward after the pet has been found. Some insurance policies even pay money if the owner has cancelled a trip because of the pet's ill health or if the pet has died.

Third party liability insurance is also available. Suppose if the pet is the reason of a car accident, in which one car damages other car, insurance companies do pay for the repair of the damage car. Global Pet Insurance is tailored pet insurance plan, where the pet owner can select desirable plans.

Every insurance company has a different plan. Before deciding over a particular insurance policy, all the other available policies in the market should be studied carefully. Some policies give a list of selected vets, while others give the freedom of choosing any vet from the trade. Pet insurance can be bought for dogs, cats, birds, apes and many other exotic animals.

Leash Training for your Pets

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 | at 10:10 AM

Initially pets don’t like to be held by anything; exception can be when they are being fed they will allow to be held against. If they are held by force, they will retaliate by biting, spinning, clawing or jumping. One of the reasons can be that because they weren’t used to such kind of affection, this alien action will actually scare them. Another reason can be because of the lack of trust; they won’t let a stranger hold them.

During this period of time it would also be difficult to put leash on the pet. They will be very restless and will try to get away. Adding to this, they will be quite young and playful. They will look at the harness as a hanging toy and will play with it. And even if the owner is successful in leashing his pet, there will be more challenges waiting ahead. When the animal feels the tug of the leash, it will jump, try to bite the leash or claw it, roll over its back, etc. In the beginning, the animal can feel short of breath, at such times, the animal should be given a break from walking. He should be also shown affection by patting its back or stroking its fur. It helps the pet to accept things more easily and early.

With the progress of time, the number of breaks will decrease so will the struggle with the leash. But actually holding the animal in the arms will take a longer time than him getting trained to the leash. For this the pet should be lapped and held regularly. During the whole process, the owner can get bruises on his arms a lot. A prevention that can be taken is that the pet can be wrapped in a blanket and then held in the arms. The owner should let go till the animal completely until it calms down. After that it should be patted on its

Frequent fondling and lapping of the animal should be done when it is young and small in size as the task will become almost impossible once it starts getting bigger. But once this initial bond is formed the next step would be to actually hold the animal when it is wearing the leash. Again there will be struggle, as the situation will be completely different. The pet should not be held tight by the hands, instead the leash should be held very near to the harness. After the animal gets tired and calms down, he should be released. By this the animal will learn that the only way of getting released is by holding still. After sometime, the pet won’t struggle at all, when being held in arms wearing the leash. The time period of holding the pet can then be increased slowly.

Leash training is very essential part of overall pet discipline. Also, since the animals have the natural instinct of roaming freely in the wild, they need to be taken out on regular walks, in order to maintain their physical balance. And when pets meet other strangers on the street, it should be trained not to get anxious. Also leash training helps in ensuring that the pet is not lost or stolen when you take it for a walk or to market.

Keeping Cats as Pets

Monday, December 22, 2008 | at 10:12 AM

Cats are low maintenance pets when compared to many other domestic pets. They are also attention seekers. They like to get lots of affection from their owners. If all the family members work full time, another cat should be brought in the family so as to provide company for the first one. Especially, young cats should not be left alone for long periods as that will affect the psychological growth of animal. Cats can also get bored easily. They always want a companion to play with.

Cats should be left outside. They are very inquisitive by nature and like to wander outdoors. Cats, which are kept indoors, develop obesity and tend to eat more out of boredom. But according to a research, cats that are kept indoors all their life have a longer life span. This is because they are not at all exposed to germs, dogs, cars, or other cats, which can harm them when living in wild habitat. Cats shouldn’t be let out unsupervised. Before doing so, the dangers should be evaluated. Some cats even go into the neighbor’s plot and dig out soil or flowerpots. They can even litter and the owner can be fined for that.

Cats that are allowed outside frequently should be checked regularly for any injuries or scratches. They can even receive bites from stray cats, if they get into a fight. The injuries should be treated immediately otherwise the infection can spread to other areas of the body and become dangerous. Cats, which have been declawed or have some kind of disability, should never be allowed to go outside alone. An individual should always accompany the cat, since they have lost their weapons of natural defense, they cannot protect themselves in case of an attack.

Cats are carnivorous and need high amount of proteins that too from meat. Commercial food is available in the market, which can be given to the cat, with consultation from a veterinary. There are many diets designed for them depending on the needs of the individual cat. Along with food, water should be available to them all the time. Cats that have long hair need to be groomed everyday to avoid the hair getting matted. Cats with short hair can be brushed once a week to remove shedding hair.

Before a cat is bought as pet, they should be vaccinated and neutered. Cats that aren’t neutered show some behavioral problems. Cats that are weaned are the best choice. But cats that are as young as one day or one month old should be cared off otherwise their health will be endangered. The young ones need to be fed every four hours and should be kept warm. Cats whether big or small are fond of warmth and that is the reason why they cuddle up and sleep.

The kitten must be taken to the vet when it turns two weeks old. They should be given their first shots and even checked for parasites. Booster shots should be given to them from time to time. Litter box training can be given to them when they grow two weeks old, because young cats learn really fast and easily. A small box can be filled with litter at first. Whenever the kitten starts scratching the surface, it can be left in the box and that is how it will understand that it has to use the litter box when nature call comes.

A problem for many of the cat owners is that they scratch the furniture around the house. They do it to sharpen their claws and they even react to the owner’s scent coming from the furniture. The cats, which are made to stay indoors most of the times, develop this problem as the cats which live outdoors most of the time can claw on tree bark, fence, etc. Cats that have this problem can be provided with a scratching post or even with a log of wood. Cats get really attached to the family members. The more it is fondled and played with, the easier it is train, put in crate, give medicines, etc.

Operant Conditioning and Pet Training

Sunday, December 21, 2008 | at 10:09 AM

The species of the animals, their history, and their upbringing plays a vital role in personality development of the pet. The characteristic of a specific species cannot be generalized, although some habits can be common. It is therefore recommended that the characteristic of the individual animal should be studied before designing the training plan for it. But some basic principles can be applied along with the designed training plan. The training plan can be equipped with training equipments, reference training book, etc.

Operant condition is the most important and basic thing to concentrate upon during training. Operant condition explains the effect of the training technique on the behavior of the animal. For example, the pet will understand that if he uses the litter box properly it will get a treat. And he can avoid a punishment by not jumping on a sleeping person in the middle of the night. A human learns that if he works hard, he will be able to get good grades and if he touches the flame of a burning candle he will burn himself. All these are example of the outcome of operant conditioning.

The categories of operant conditioning are reinforcement and punishment. Reinforcement is the repeated force of behavior out of the animal using something. They are repetitive behavior, which can be positive or negative. Punishment is the consequence of a bad behavior, which shouldn’t be repeated again. Punishments can be either negative or positive, but they help to decrease the repetition of the behavior. They can be further divided as positive reinforcement, positive punishment, negative reinforcement and negative punishment.

Good behaviors are behaviors, which should be repeated again and again. And the result of the good behavior should also be good, which is known as a reward. For example, if the dog does an expected action upon hearing the command, it knows that it will get a treat as a reward in return. If the animal doesn’t pounce on the human and instead pounces on the toy, it should be rewarded with a pat or a hug. All these are known as positive enforcements.

Negative enforcements are repeated behaviors, which will stop something bad or which will help in getting rid of something. This term should not be confused with punishment. For example, if a dog is trained to bark upon sighting a stranger in the house, it will make the intruder run away, this is negative enforcement. The subject does something so as to stop the occurrence of something unpleasant.

Positive punishment is given when the animal does something bad very rarely which results in something undesirable. Since the animal is punished, the animal will learn from it and there will be lesser chance of repetition. For example, if the puppy is sprayed with water when it pounces on the human, this is positive punishment. The puppy will foresee the punishment before pouncing again.

When the animal does something and something good is snatched away from it, this is known as negative punishment. For example if the dog tries to snatch the food right out of the hand of the owner, it will not get any food.

These basic principles depict the learning traits of the animals. Based on these training techniques are developed. The owners can develop unique training programs for each of their pets, individually.

Mellowing down a Wild Pet

Saturday, December 20, 2008 | at 10:10 AM

Orphaned animals which have been rescued from the wild will have wild natural instincts, no matter what their age is. Even when they play, it’s rough which involves lots of biting and clawing. The same is true with exotic pets. They will have a more wild side when compared to the domestic ones. It would be unfair to generalize this principle for all, but it is true in most of the cases. The biggest challenge faced by the new owner will be limit the usage of teeth and claws by the pet. Teeth are the more dangerous of the two, because wild and exotic pets bite really hard, even while playing, until they aren’t given proper training. Even if the owner tries to pat the pet, it will show its affection by biting. The owner must not consider this act as an aggressive one, but it should be amended in early stages otherwise this habit will turn into a permanent one.

The owner must never consider declawing, defanging as the first resort or even as the last resort. The pet undergoes a lot of pain during and after the surgery. Many owners swear that their pets had undergone total personality change after declawing. They also turn violent as their means of natural defense is lost. And no quantity and quality of training can undo this negativity. Also, it certainly doesn’t mean that the animal will not bite after its canines have been removed. Even after defanging the animal, it can still bite and hurt with its molars.

A very easy and recognized method is slightly tapping on the nose of the pet when it bites really hard. But this won’t apply to all and worst of all it can even encourage the animal to bite even more. They take it as a challenge and make more rough play. It will back off for a while and then sneak attack. But it does work for some pet owners and above all there is no harm in practicing this technique. It should only be practiced till the positive outcome is achieved. If negative results begin to come, the practice should be stopped immediately. Whenever the pet bites, hold that body part still. This will bore the cat and it will treat it like a toy to play with.

When the pet prepares to attack, another easier thing which can be done is raising up the hands. The pet will bounce off and will give up at some time, seeing the disinterest of the person. But it would be a mistake to over react to the situation like making noises, yelling or pushing the pet. The pet will assume that the person is enjoying the play and participating in the act and will increase its enthusiasm even more. Animals play rough games and getting a rough response from the owner makes them assume that they are participating in their rough act. Other tactics like pinning down the pet or grabbing will just aggravate the pet’s wild habits.

Biting can also be stopped by giving a toy to the animal which they can chew upon instead of hurting the family members by pouncing on and biting them. Most of them like toys which are squishy, rubbery, soft and easily chewable. The toy can then be tied to a rope and wiggled and the animal cannot only pounce on it but also chew it. The toy can be carried along all the time and when the pet prepares to attack any family member, the toy can be wiggled at him and he will pounce on the toy instead. But extra care to be taken in this regard is that some animals can tear up the toy and eat it. Those pieces can block up their intestines which can make them ill and sometimes might even lead to death. The animal will sometimes vomit or excrete the foreign objects, but sometimes it will require an expensive surgery. Pets should be constantly supervised when they are playing with toys.


Friday, December 19, 2008 | at 10:07 AM

Peafowl belongs to the Phasianidae Pheasant family. There are two species of peafowl, the Green Peafowl and The Indian Peafowl. The Green peafowl is native to Myanmar, Thailand, and China and the Indian Peafowl or blue peafowl is native to India. The males, called Peacock, especially are famous for their glamorous tail and the crown on their head. The females are known as Peahen and are grey and brown in color.

Green peafowl are on the verge of extinction because of the massive hunting and depletion of their natural habitat. They further have three subspecies called P. M. muticus, P. M. imperator and P. muticus. Some breeders say that there are more subspecies of Green Peafowl. Green fowls are more expensive as they are not available on a large scale and they are very temperature sensitive. The Indian peafowl are hardy and are less expensive. They are also famous with breeders and are also found in North America.

When in full plumage, the tail of the peacock is a beautiful sight. It does this to attract females and they also call out to the female in a unique vocal. The feathers of the peacock are sold all over the world. The bird is also fancied for its meat. But when turkeys were domesticated for meat, peacocks were only kept as pets. They were kept as pets first in China and after few years in Europe, as exotic pets. Peacocks have been symbol of pride and gook luck for many.

Pet owners who have bought the peahen just because of their display of their beautiful tail, they should certainly pair it with a peahen. In only that case they will spread the tail. Peacock has a plumage or train which is green or blue green colored. The Green peafowl have a plumage of more brilliant green and golden color, but the upper feathers are short. The upper feathers are very elongated and there are series of eyes which look very beautiful when the tail is fanned. Peafowl are very easily to maintain. They do not develop diseases easily because they have natural resistance to many diseases. But peafowl certainly cannot be kept in extreme temperatures like below zero. They are habituated to live in temperate climates. They should also be saved from extreme heat exhaustion in hot months.

Peafowl are omnivorous and feed on mixed grains, flowers, green leafy vegetables, and game bird crumbles. In the wild peafowl are known to hunt and eat insects, amphibians, reptiles and arthropods. When on a healthy diet they can live for many years. They usually are allowed to roam in an open garden. For a healthier breeding, they should be given freedom of movement. They can be even kept in pens with closed tops. In captivity, they need lots of room to roam about, which is a kind of exercise for them. Another reason is that they are inquisitive pets, so they need lots of space to kill their curiosity. The pen can have facilities for warming and it should be insulated, incase if temperature drop. Peafowl should be left on their own with minimum human interference. They can be mixed with other poultry as they are very safe pets. They do not attack any bird, animal or human. But cats and dogs can attack the peafowl.

Peahen nests on the ground, although they stay on low raised braches most of their lives. Peahens take care of the peachicks for only sometime after which they drive them away. The peachicks can then be brought up in an electric brooder like any other poultry. Because of their hardiness and intelligence, when compared to other bird pets, they are very easy to be bred and raised. Peafowl are also known as urban guard dogs because they make warning cries when they see strangers approaching the premises. But their high pitched vocals can sometimes be disturbing in a closely inhabited area.

Ideas On Dressing Your Chi With Chihuahua Accessories

Thursday, December 18, 2008 | at 12:33 PM

Dressing your Chihuahua with Chihuahua accessories can be a fun-filled experience that can facilitate greater interaction with the Chihuahua and yourself. A trendily dressed Chihuahua with Chihuahua accessories is a sight to behold and would definitely serve to attract awe and envy as you walk your pet around the neighborhood decked in its Sunday best. Clothes and accessories serve not only aesthetic purposes, but also practical purposes especially when considering the Chihuahua's small size which often leaves it vulnerable to the cold.

Of course, comfort and practicality would be the prime consideration when dressing up your Chihuahua. When choosing an outfit for your Chihuahua, considerations about the weather should take priority. In countries when the temperature is substantially milder, T-shirts would be the outfit of choice as it protects the Chihuahua from cool winds and the sun. In areas where the temperature is cold, warmer clothing made of wool would be preferred to insulate the Chihuahua against the cold. It is important to note that your Chihuahua might have allergies towards certain fabrics. Chihuahua owners should thus experiment with different outfits. Rash, itch or discomfort should be tell-tale signs that the particular outfit is not suitable for your Chihuahua.

Clothes and accessories reflect a dog's gender and personality, just as it does for a human being. You might want to consider dressing your female Chihuahua in a dress with ribbons or perhaps a blue T-shirt for your male Chihuahua. In any case, it is important to be creative and think out of the box. Experiment with different accessories such as semi-precious stones, brooches, badges, collars or even buttons when it comes to accessorizing your Chihuahua's outfit. However, for instances of accessories that consist of sharp ends such as a brooch, always be sure to have a safety guard that can only be removed by yourself to prevent your Chihuahua from sustaining injuries. Also, be sure that your pooch is comfortable and not fidgeting continuously out of discomfort.

Alternatively, you may want to consider thematic outfits for your Chihuahua. Experiment to search for your Chihuahua's favorite. Perhaps this month you would prefer a gangster outfit for your Chihuahua with a spiked collar complete with a T-shirt with graffiti designs? Regular change of thematic outfits guarantees that your Chihuahua will never get bored with the outfit that it is wearing. Of course, in all cases it is important to place practicality and comfort as your primary consideration when dressing up your Chihuahua.

Headwear and footwear both serve to enhance the appearance and comfort of your Chihuahua. Straw hats, scarves and boots are some of the more popular accessories for Chihuahuas these days. In addition to increasing their aesthetic appeal, they also serve practical purposes such as shielding your Chihuahua from the sun or snow.

Contrary to popular believe, clothes and accessories for Chihuahua serve not only to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your Chihuahua, it also serves to protect it against the weather elements. In all instances it is important to exercise consideration for your pet's comfort when choosing any particular outfit.

Clarence Clark

Pet Allergies and their Causes

People can become allergic to pets because of proteins from animal hair, urine or saliva. Pets which can cause allergies are dogs, cats, chicken, mice, rats, cows, horses, hamsters, guinea pig and birds. Allergic reaction can attack the respiratory system, eyes which can result in hay fever, urticaria, asthmatic symptoms, eye symptoms or eczema.

Hay fever makes the patient develop itchy eyes, runny nose and sneezes. Asthmatic symptoms are wheezing, prolonged expiration, rapid breathing, over inflated chest, and fast heart rate. Urticaria, nettle rash, hives or uredo is a skin condition where the skin develops raised red welts. They can appear on any part of the body. The welt can badly itch, burn or even sting. Eye symptoms include watering and itching of the eyes. Eczema or atopic dermatitis is an atopic skin disease. Young children are more prone to getting this disease. The skin becomes hypersensitive when the allergens touch the body parts and becomes flaky and starts itching very badly. It also turns red and can also get further affected with bacteria.

Allergens from pets are proteins. They either contact the skin directly or also by breathing in. This contact triggers an allergic reaction and makes the body to produce histamine. This histamine irritates and swells the airways, which results in asthmatic symptoms and hay fever. The condition can worsen if the person is exposed to tobacco smoke, polluted air, car fumes or environmental allergens. Some people can also be allergic to the food the pet eats. The allergy worsens when asthma worsens; symptoms include insomnia, cold, and ear infections.

The allergens come from direct contact with an animal, or even from people who have been in direct contact with the animal. In most of the cases, people are allergic to pet because of hereditary reasons. Also kids having asthmatic bronchitis and which grow with pets such as cats are more prone to be allergic to cats as adults. Furless cats produce low allergens.

People allergic to pets should be extra careful when renting a new house. There can be a possibility that the previous occupants have had pets. The allergens present in the environment can trigger allergic reactions and it will take more than a year to reduce the effect of the pet allergens. If a person suspects allergic reactions because of pet allergens, they can test it by staying away from home for more than two weeks. If the symptoms still continue, pet allergens aren’t responsible. Also a doctor should be contacted immediately who can conduct test and diagnose the condition. Blood and skin tests should be taken to confirm the diagnosis. The doctor can then prescribe medicine for controlling the allergy. Patients can also take vaccination against the allergen.

Pet owners should also participate to help other people with pet allergies. They should bathe their pets regularly. They should be dried completely after that. Researches have proved that monthly baths decreases the pet allergens in the house. Guinea pigs and rabbits have allergens in their urine. These animals should be shifted outside, if they have been living within the house. Anti-allergen filters are also available in the market which helps to purify the air of allergens. Pets should be strictly kept out of bedrooms so as to not to be become pet allergen carriers, pet owner’s can wash their hands soon after contact with the animal.